When relationships break down there are many challenging decisions to be made regarding where the children will live, how often they see each parent, how they will be financially supported and how you, as parents, can support the children through the process.
Mediation works with parents to explore all options and try and achieve a more holistic outcome for all the family. The mediators can produce a parenting plan, which can be practical simple and as concrete as possible, and which is specific to your child, putting their best interests first. You can make it as detailed as you like.
Divorce and separation is painful for everyone involved, particularly the children. Conflict between parents hurts children. The mediator works with parents to aid their communication and keep the children at the forefront, whilst trying to have clarity around arrangements. In some cases, parents may feel they would like their children to have a voice. The mediator can speak to the children independently if parents and the child agree. More information can be given at the MIAM.